May Rihani is a pioneer in girls’ education and a tireless advocate of women’s rights. She served as co-chair of the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative between 2008 and 2010. Her seminal book, Keeping the Promise, is a framework for advancing girls’ education that is used by global organizations. Her recently published memoir CulturesWithout Borders is an insightful perspective on differences and common ground among cultures. With reports of abduction and assassination of girls in Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries for seeking an education, May Rihani’s work could not be more relevant or timely. She has faced and firmly talked down Afghan leaders and respectfully argued with uncompromising male community elders in African, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries using their values to gain their support for programs that would improve educational opportunities for girls. Born and raised in Lebanon during that country’s “golden years,” May Rihani is a woman whose full life is dedicated to helping girls and women take charge of their lives.
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