The Department of Anthropology has recently created a Diversity Initiative - a group of staff, graduate students, and faculty - who meet regularly to work on issues related to diversity and inclusion in the Department of Anthropology.
One of the aims of the Initiative is to increase dialogue in our Department on these issues. In order to achieve this, we are instituting a regular Happy Hour discussion on a variety of topics where diversity and inclusion are central themes. Rather than academic discourses, we would like to focus on topics and issues in popular media, as a way to broaden our thinking and discussion on what diversity means, how to be more inclusive in our thinking, and how to apply what we learn to our everyday lives. These discussions are intended to be a safe space to talk and exchange ideas, and we invite everyone in the department to attend.
Our next Diversity Initiative Happy Hour will be at Busboys and Poets on Wednesday July 20 beginning at 5 p.m.
RSVP here:
Our topic of discussion is: What Do We Do?
The title of our July Diversity Initiative Happy Hour Discussion comes from a social media post written by Kevin Powell. In it, he lists 10 things we can do to effect change in a world where Black men are shot and killed by police with apparent disregard for their humanity, and the other senseless acts of violence both physical and psychological aimed at minority groups that we see so regularly in our society today.
To paraphrase, Kevin's 10 things are:
1. Acknowledge and own the emotions you feel in response to violent acts
2. Acknowledge that these acts are real and occur regularly
3. Practice self-care
4. Take action in your local communities to effect change
5. Have hope
6. Acknowledge that taking action will not be easy
7. Do not make excuses not to act
8. Be fearless, not comfortable
9. Recognize the difference between reactive anger and proactive anger
10. Act with love
Using these thoughts as a springboard:
How can each of us take these things and apply them in our lives?
How can we talk to our children about these issues? How can we educate them with the view of enacting social change in future generations?
How are we in academic settings uniquely situated to challenge prejudice and racism and effect positive change?
The actor Jesse Williams recently accepted a humanitarian award at the BET Awards where he gave an acceptance speech that speaks to the injustice we see in our society, and challenges us to be better:
Let's take up the challenge to do better and discuss what we can do to promote healing and wellness in our lives, individually and collectively.
Additional related resources available below:…………………………………