The following stipend and fellowships are available to graduate students in the department. These opportunities are announced internally via email, and students must submit all applications through the department.
- M.A.A. Summer Stipend
(valued at $2484 [3 credits of in-state tuition, 2024]) - Chair’s Graduate Fellowship
(valued at $10,000 for an academic year)
- The University of Maryland Graduate School Fellowships
When applying for a Graduate School Fellowship, please be sure to submit your application to the department by the appropriate deadline (usually two weeks prior to the Graduate School deadline, see below).
Department of Anthropology Fellowship Criteria
For awards that need preselection from the Anthropology department, the graduate committee will use the following criteria for evaluating each proposal. The following two criteria will be applied to each award and will be the first to be applied.
- The academic standing and state of progress towards their degree.
- The support of their advisor as seen in the letter of support.
- The extent to which the proposal has a realistic and executable research or writing plan attached to the proposal.
- The extent to which awarding of the proposal contribute to the Department’s goals in terms of encouraging a diverse graduate student body.
- If a student is in good standing and has strong advisor support but has not received any awards or support to date will also be taken into account.
Graduate School 2024 Deadlines
*please note that the Department of Anthropology deadline is usually 2 weeks prior to the GS deadline