Marie J. Archambeault is Lecturer in the Cultural and Heritage Resource Management graduate program, and teaches the course ANTH 743: Community Engagement and Consultation. She received her MA in Applied Anthropology with a focus in Public Archaeology from the University of South Florida. With over 18 years of experience in the field of Cultural Resources Management, Ms. Archambeault’s professional experiences range from tribal liaison to archeologist for state agencies such as the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and the Texas Army National Guard (TxANG), and private cultural resources management companies. Her project experiences range in scope and include archaeological survey and data recovery, traditional cultural property surveys, coordinating and facilitating tribal consultation meetings, developing site monitoring plans, developing tribal consultation guidelines, coordinating consultation efforts for cell towers and other regulatory projects, and facilitating good faith consultation efforts for inadvertent discoveries for non-regulatory projects.

Currently, Ms. Archambeault is a regional archeological reviewer and tribal liaison for the Texas Historical Commission. Throughout her professional career, she has strived to engage tribal nations and other interested parties in open dialogue to enhance current interpretations and better preserve significant cultural resources for future generations.

Archambeault, Marie
marie.archambeault [at]