Eduardo Fernandez is a specialist in international development, with over 30 years of experience managing, planning, implementing, and evaluating development assistance programs with local organizations, NGOs, government agencies, international organizations, as well lead the implementation of advocacy campaigns.

He has held high-level management positions as well as project-based leadership roles at USAID/OTI programs in LAC and Africa. Currently he is the Chief of Party of the USAID/OTI Nigeria Regional Transition Initiative, to minimize the conditions that allow terrorism to flourish and reduce Boko Haram and ISIS-WA recruitment and support for their ideology.

Previously he served as IUCN, The International Union for Conservation of Nature, Senior Global Coordinator of the Sustainable Use Initiative; working throughout Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe to facilitate policy dialogue among representatives from the scientific community, key policy makers, leaders in the private sector, and community advocacy groups to adopt new strategies to manage and resolve conflicts over the use of natural resources.

Earlier, Mr. Fernandez spent more of decade in the Peruvian Amazon working with indigenous peoples in the Amazon region and conducting his research work among the Ashaninka.

He holds a Doctor in Anthropology degree from Catholic University of Peru. He is a Postdoctoral Associate at University of Maryland and member of CRACIA, Center for Research and Collaboration in the Indigenous America

Among his selected publications:

-War of Shadows. The struggle for Utopia in the Peruvian Amazon. University California Press, 1990 (in collaboration with Michael F. Brown)

-Tribe and State in a Frontier Mosaic: The Ashaninka of Eastern Peru. In: War in Tribal Zones. Brian Ferguson and Neil L. Whitehead, editors. School of American Research, New Mexico, 1992 (in collaboration with Michael F. Brown)

-Guerra de Sombras. La lucha por la Utopía en la Amazonía Peruana. CAAAP-CAEA. Lima, 2001 (in collaboration with Michael F. Brown)

-Para que nuestra historia no se pierda: Testimonios de los Ashaninca y Nomatsiguenga sobre la colonización de la región Satipo-Pangoa. CIPA. Lima, 1986   

Eduardo Fernandez
efernan6 [at]