Kelly S. Hockersmith, M.A., RPA, is Lecturer in the Cultural and Heritage Resource Management graduate program, and teaches the course ANTH 748: Project Management. She joined SEARCH in 2018 as a Principal Investigator, and has 15 years of experience in cultural resource management. Ms. Hockersmith has conducted all phases of prehistoric and historic archaeological investigation throughout the Midwest, Southeast, and Mid-Atlantic United States and has authored over 80 technical reports. She has worked on various federal, state, municipal, and private sector projects and is listed on the Register of Professional Archaeologists. Ms. Hockersmith is experienced with Sections 106 and 110 of the NHPA, NEPA, NAGPRA, ARPA, and FERC environmental regulations for natural gas facilities. She received her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Psychology from Heidelberg College in 2001, and earned her master’s degree in Anthropology from the University of South Florida in 2004. Ms. Hockersmith was awarded an Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education postgraduate fellowship and completed her postgraduate work in 2006 with the Fort Riley Cultural Resources Management Program in Kansas, where she was involved with implementing the fort’s ICRMP. Her research interests include the prehistoric and historic cultures of Tennessee. Ms. Hockersmith is an active member of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference and the Tennessee Council for Professional Archaeology.

Hockersmith, Kelly
kelly.hockersmith [at]