Joshua Samuels is Senior Lecturer in the Cultural and Heritage Resource Management (CHRM) Graduate Program, in which he teaches ANTH 745: International Heritage Management. Dr. Samuels also serves as Clinical Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at The Catholic University of America, where he teaches classes on landscape archaeology, cultural resources management, cultural heritage, and ethnographic methods. He earned an MSc in Archaeomaterials from the University of Sheffield, and a PhD from Stanford University, where he specialized in landscape archaeology, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), difficult heritage, post-conflict reconstruction, and archaeological ethnography. He has conducted international fieldwork in Italy and Greece, and his current research program focuses on the impacts of climate change to agricultural heritage landscapes, traditional agricultural practices, and agrobiodiversity in Italy, integrating methods of landscape archaeology, participatory GIS (PGIS), and heritage ethnography. His research has been supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and the Barbieri Endowment. He also has extensive experience in cultural resources management in California, the Southwest, and the Middle Atlantic, including as an archaeological field technician for various CRM firms and California State Parks, and an outreach coordinator for Old Pueblo Archaeology Center in Tucson, AZ. He continues to work as an independent CRM consultant for historic resource evaluations and surveys for the San Francisco Planning Department, and for GIS applications for cultural resources management in the DC Metro area.

Samuels, Joshua
samuels [at]