The 1856 Project, UMD’s chapter of Universities Studying Slavery, recently presented their second research report in a series of powerful presentations and panel Q&A to an audience of around 200 people both in person and on Zoom.
The Professor and Chair Barnet Pavão-Zuckerman and Faculty Specialist Siobhan Summers from our Department of Anthropology are members of the second research report team. Our MAA student Sara Anniki has also contributed to this project.
Congratulations, Dr. Pavão-Zuckerman, Dr. Siobhan, and Anniki!
Besides, the late Distinguished University Professor in our Department of Anthropology, Dr. Mark P. Leone, also served on The 1856 Project Advisory Board since its inception in 2020.
For further information, read: The 1856 Project's second research report [PDF]