Emily Bales is an alum of the CHRM program, having received her master's degree in 2023. Her thesis, titled The Effect of Landscape Evolution on the Visibility of the Archaeological Record: A Case Study from the Deeply Buried Site CA-SLO-16, Morro Bay, California, uses geoarchaeological approaches to address the apparent Middle Period (2600-1000 cal BP) gaps in Morro Bay's archaeological record. The research highlights how landscape evolution and archaeological methods can affect the identification of deeply-buried archaeological sites.

Following below is an archived profile.

Emily is a Staff Archaeologist at Far Western Anthropological Research Group based in Davis, California. She graduated with a B.A. in Anthropology from University of California, Santa Barbara in 2016 and is currently working towards her M.P.S. in Cultural Resource Heritage Management at University of Maryland, College Park. Emily has worked for multiple cultural resource management firms throughout California and Nevada as a technician and crew chief. She has experience in many archaeological methods including survey, data recovery, monitoring, database management, special analyses, and curation projects. Additionally, Emily has participated in a number of research projects on California’s Channel Islands, the Sierra Nevada, and along California’s Central Coast. Emily’s research focuses on the deep history of coastal sites using geoarchaeological methods.

CV: Emily Bales - CV.pdf167.33 KB


  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Archaeology - University of California, Santa Barbara


  • 2016-06-10
    Distinction in Major - Anthropology Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • 2016-06-10
    Award for Research Promise - Anthropology Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • 2016-06-10
    Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement - Anthropology Department, University of California, Santa Barbara


  • Paper Presentation, Society for California Archaeology Annual Conference in Redding, CA
  • Poster Presentation, Society for California Archaeology Annual Conference in Yosemite, CA
  • Poster Presentation, Society for California Archaeology Annual Conference in San Diego, CA
Research Topics
Emily Bales
ebales [at] umd.edu