Jeff Johnson is an alum of the CHRM program, having received his master's degree in 2024. His thesis is titled A Deeper Dive into the Water: A Comparison of Hydrologic Features as Variables in Precontact Site Location Predictive Models for the Virginia Piedmont.

Following below is an archived profile.

Jeff Johnson is currently an Archaeological Field Director at the TRC Chapel Hill, NC office. He attended Appalachian State University in Boone, NC and graduated in 2010 with a B.A. in Anthropology. Jeff has over 10 years of experience in CRM and has been working for TRC for over seven years. Most of his work experience has been in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Ohio. He has participated in all phases of archaeological excavation on a wide array of different sites and projects. The types of projects he has worked on include multi-state natural gas pipelines, DOT projects, solar facilities, housing developments, and a variety of other development or infrastructure related projects. Jeff’s primary duties at TRC are managing fieldwork, report writing, and producing graphics for reports using ArcGIS.

Jeff enjoys cooking, hiking, and traveling in his free time. He first fell in love with the outdoors during his time in the Boy Scouts and he earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 2006. Jeff’s family hosted au pairs and exchange students almost every year since he was four years old, exposing him to different cultures and customs from a very young age. While visiting many of these extended family members in their home countries he was able to visit cultural sites, taste foreign cuisines, and build new relationships with the student’s families. Jeff was influenced by his father’s cooking, and he first started cooking for others on camping trips with his scout patrol. Jeff is now the cook of his own family and enjoys trying his had at cuisines from around the world.

Jeffrey Johnson
jjohns88 [at]