Katherine Johnson (Jo) was a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Maryland working on the Deal Island Marsh and Community Project (http://www.dealislandmarshandcommunityproject.org). Her research focus is on vulnerability and resilience as understood and experienced by a diverse stakeholder network representing a rural coastal system impacted by climate change. She is interested in vulnerability and resilience on the local level, and in collaboratively using individual and community knowledge to leverage adaptive planning outcomes. She prioritizes interdisciplinary and collaborative work to create outcomes suitable to wide range of needs and interests across the social-ecological system. Jo also has experience teaching several courses: Gender and Anthropology, Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology, and Changing Climate, Changing Cultures. She has presented in many national national conferences as is currently working on several publications.

Dissertation Title:  Resilience to Climate Change: An Ethnographic Approach 

Current Position:  Earthquake Risk Mitigation Policy Analyst and AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow for the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Areas of Interest

  • environmental anthropology, climate change, socio-ecological systems, vulnerability, resilience, anthropology of the Chesapeake


  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Religious Studies
  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Anthropology and Women's Studies
  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Anthropology - University of Maryland (2016)


  • <p>I am currently working on a NOAA funded grant with Dr. Michael Paolisso to build marsh and community resilience in the Deal Island area of Maryland. &nbsp;Our work employs collaborative methodologies to bring diverse stakeholders together to work on th
Research Topics
Jo Johnson