Leeanne Mahoney is an alum of the CHRM program, having received her master's degree in 2022. Her thesis is titled Wesselman Farm, An Archaic Site on the Lower Great Miami River, Hamilton County, Ohio. Thesis Abstract: Wesselman Farm is a previously unidentified precontact site in Hamilton County, Ohio. The site is an early Late Archaic period (4330 ± 30 to 4080 ± 30 BP [4959 - 4462 cal BP]) habitation site with dense midden development situated on a summit over the Great Miami River. This research was inspired by a small box of stone tools that a family had collected since the 1940s as they plowed the fields on their 15.38-hectare (38.00 acre) historic farmstead. The landowner’s collection, archival research, geophysical survey, archaeological excavations, and radiocarbon dates each contributed valuable information in locating and interpreting this incredible archaeological site. The data also allows an understanding of the role this site had within the larger Archaic settlement system of extreme southwest Ohio and changes our understanding of Archaic settlement distribution theory.
Following below is an archived profile.
Leeanne has been working in Cultural Resource Management since 2009 shortly after she acquired her B.A. in anthropology at The University of Cincinnati. Her background involves many aspects of cultural resource work, including conducting Phase I and II archaeological surveys, analyzing and curating historic and prehistoric artifacts, performing laboratory work, and conducting archival research. In her current position within a large company with a CRM department, Leeanne is responsible for interpreting and recording data, comparing findings to relevant studies and following local, state, and federal regulations to ensure compliance. She joined the CHRM program to further her career within a field that she enjoys working in. She is also a professional artist, and although there is not much time for painting nowadays, she does get the opportunity to professionally illustrate artifacts.