After a number of years working in coastal conservation and restoration, I am interested in improving the dynamic between resource management and the communities impacted by resource policy, particularly as it relates to different fisheries management approaches.  My pre-dissertation research as a PhD student at Maryland broadly focuses on the development of oyster aquaculture in the Chesapeake Bay, the composition and motivation of those currently involved in aquaculture, and future considerations related to oyster aquaculture and management. This project has informed what will be my full dissertation research, describing the cultural ecosystem services associated with oyster aquaculture.  For additional information, please visit my research blog site:

Areas of Interest

  • marine fisheries, social-ecological systems, sustainable development, community-based resource management, adaptive co-management, aquaculture


  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Degree Type
    Degree Details
    Anthropology-Zoology, University of Michigan
Research Topics
Michaelis Adriane