My name is Isabelle (Izzy) Ortt. I received a B.A. in Anthropology, a B.S. in Chemistry, and a Minor in Forensic Science from Purdue University in 2019. For the past four years, I have been working in cultural resource management. I’m currently a staff Archaeologist at an environmental consulting firm in Indianapolis. I have experience completing pedestrian and intensive archaeological surveys, Phase II investigations, Phase III data recovery, including cemetery relocations, and construction monitoring fieldwork. My experience in cultural resource management has taken me beyond Indiana, into Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Oregon, and British Columbia. Additionally, I have contributed to archaeological research projects in northwestern Mongolia and Tombos, Sudan. My undergraduate research at Purdue focused on bioarchaeological analysis of burials excavated from the Tombos cemetery, a New Kingdom Egyptian colonial settlement in present-day Sudan. As an Archaeologist at a consulting firm, my duties include fieldwork, historic artifact analysis, lab photography, preparation and submission of materials for museum curation, public outreach, and technical report preparation. I am continuing to grow my experience with geophysical survey, and my favorite archaeological projects have involved the use of geophysical survey to identify, delineate, and document understudied historic cemeteries, work I hope to continue as a UMD graduate student.