Since graduating from Lycoming College in 2017 with my degree in Archaeology and Anthropology, I have worked within CRM across the United States. I have worked as a field tech and field director on archaeological surveys at the identification, evaluation, and mitigation level for a variety of historic and precontact sites in addition to assisting our historic preservationists with their surveys, research, and reporting. Additionally, I have worked as a lab technician for multiple companies, including my present employer. While in the office, I assist with background research, analyzing results, and report writing, ensuring our work meets Section 106 standards and is of exceptional professional quality. I have worked for multiple companies throughout my career, including McCormick Taylor, Heberling Associates, and JMT, where I am currently employed.

In my free time, I enjoy doing anything that gets me out of the house. I currently volunteer for Preservation Pittsburgh, a nonprofit group dedicated to preserving Pittsburgh’s heritage at the grassroots level. One night a week is dedicated to my kickball league (my team are the current defending champs), but beyond that, I enjoy exploring new places, hiking, golfing, and finding a new bar with my friends!

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mramsey3 [at]