Eric Taylor is a seasoned Cultural Resource specialist in the Mid-Atlantic Region with experience conducting and leading archaeological field survey inventories, site evaluations and full data recovery projects. In 2019, Eric graduated magna cum laude from the University of Lynchburg with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science and minors in Environmental Studies and Biology. He is currently employed as an Archaeological Crew Chief within the Cultural Resource Department at Hurt & Proffitt assisting with all phases of archaeological fieldwork, report writing and GIS. He directly works with the principal investigators to compile LiDAR data, historic aerials and maps, and deed research to identify and evaluate potentially eligible sites for historic preservation.

His current research interests are related to 19th-century Virginia river navigation associated with the batteaux. Since 2021, Eric has conducted archaeological river surveys that were funded by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources with a grant from the National Park Service’s Emergency Supplemental Historic Preservation Fund (ESHPF) to evaluate previously recorded sites and identify new river based archaeological sites. Approximately 20 to 30 river miles were studied in areas affected by Hurricanes Michael and Florence on the James, Rivanna, New, Bannister, and Appomattox Rivers. The field methodologies include a pedestrian survey along the river channel via kayak and analysis of publicly available LiDAR data to detect potential historical landscape features on the banks of the rivers. Extensive research also goes into these studies as we collect oral histories from local historical societies and primary sources such as Sanborn maps and documents from different navigation companies that operated in Virginia. We also examine the effects of erosion and sedimentation on archaeological sites within the watershed.

Eric is currently pursuing an M.P.S. in Cultural and Heritage Resource Management from the University of Maryland to fulfill his longtime goal of becoming an SOI-qualified archaeologist at a cultural resource firm.



  • Wilderness First Responder, Wilderness Medical Associates International 
    • January 2024- Present
  • OSHA 30-Hour Certification
    • February 2024-Present

Professional Memberships

  • Archeological Society of Virginia (ASV), 2024-Present Upper James River Chapter