A total of 66 credits are required for the dual M.A.A./ M.H.P degree. Please note that a portion of these, in the form of credits for the internship sequence, must be taken over the summer and students are responsible for the cost associated with this. Students are reviewed annually to ensure adequate progress towards the degree.
Applied Anthropology and Historic Preservation requirements (including seminars) may be met by appropriate courses numbered 400 or higher. Approval of elective courses by the student’s graduate advisor is required.
Master of Applied Anthropology
33 Credits of Required Courses
MAA CORE Courses (21 credits)
- ANTH 601: Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
- ANTH 606: Qualitative Methods in Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
- ANTH 630: Quantification and Statistics in Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
- ANTH 649/449: Issues in Critical Heritage OR
- ANTH 664/464: Anthropology of Cultural Heritage OR
- ANTH 635: Archaeological Ethnography and Heritage Ethnography OR
- ANTH 640: Historical Archaeology (3 credits)
- ANTH 722: Ecological Anthropology (3 credits)
- ANTH 740: Anthropological Theories of the Past (3 credits)
- ANTH 760: Development of Social/Cultural Theory (3 credits)
MAA Internship Sequence (12 credits)
- ANTH 701: Internship Preparation (3 credits)
- ANTH 789: Internship (6 credits, minimum of 3 credits in summer session)
- ANTH 712: Anthropology Internship Analysis (3 credits)
Generally, students are expected to complete their first two semesters of core courses before moving on to an internship (usually conducted during the summer between the first and second year). Upon completion of the Internship, you may pursue the remaining coursework at your own pace because it consists primarily of work in your area of specialization.
Master of Historic Preservation
33 Credits of Required Courses
- HISP 600 Introductory Seminar in Hist. Pres. (3 credits)
- HISP 611 Historical Research Methods (3 credits)
- HISP 630 Pres. Policy and Planning (3 credits)
- HISP 635 Social and Ethnic Issues in Pres. (3 credits)
- HISP 640 Pres. Law (or ANTH 689B Archaeo. Law) (3 credits)
- HISP 650 Preservation Studio (6 credits)
- HISP 655 American Vernacular Architecture (4 credits)
- HISP 670 Conservation of Historic Buildings (3 credits)
- HISP 680 Preservation Economics (3 credits)
- XXXX xxx Elective (2 credits)
Total: 66 credits for MAA/MHP Dual Degree