Core Values for the Anthropology Undergraduate Program at the University of Maryland
- Demonstrate an understanding of culture and society
- Understand the evolution of the change in human species both biologically and behaviorally
- Understand the major biological and cultural transitions that have taken place since the emergence of Homo sapiens
- Critically examine different societies and provide a context for values and the values of others
- Offer possible explanations that address cultural and biological differences and similarities among diverse communities
- Understand the process and effects of globalization
- Encourage students to take courses that emphasize foreign cultures and / or encourage a foreign language in order to gain insight into alternative perspectives
- Demonstrate knowledge, awareness and understanding of a culturally and biologically diverse world
- Understand and explain the diversity of cultures
- Understand the perspectives of culture bearer
- Recognize diversity in race, ethnicity, class, gender, and age
- Critically examine one's own cultural and social identities and understand how those identities shape one's beliefs and attitudes
- Critically evaluate how people and groups vary across time and places and the effects of such variation
- Understand social inequality and become civically engaged to address the issue
Research and Application
- Demonstrate the ability to understand complex research problems, and articulate appropriate methods and theory
- Describe the role of research methods in building anthropological knowledge that includes critical and systematic thinking
- Ability to design and carry out an anthropology research project, describe the role of data analysis, and answer social, biocultural, and historical questions
- Ability to use the computer in the acquisition and analysis of information and data
- Critically identify underlying assumptions in particular theoretical orientations or arguments
- Critically identify underlying assumptions in particular methodological approaches to an issue and be able to articulate them orally and in writting
- Present opposing viewpoints and alternative hypotheses on various issues
- Show how patterns of thought and knowledge are directly influenced by political, economic and/ or social structures