Guidelines for Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (ANTH 358A/B/C)

The University of Maryland encourages all students to pursue challenging experiences through a variety of learning opportunities.  Working as and Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) can be a source of considerable enrichment for the student. The course letter corresponds to the area of focus within the discipline. For example, ANTH358A refers to an Undergraduate TA working on an Archaeology course, ANTH358B to a Biological or Ecological Anthropology course, and ANTH358C to a Cultural Anthropology course. 

  • You must have earned a grade of A (4.0) in the class for which you will be assisting.
  • You must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • You must have junior standing (60 credits completed) by beginning of the semester in which you will be serving as an UTA.
  • You must complete a contract with the instructor of the course for which you are serving as an UTA. This contract will outline your duties and the methods by which you will be evaluated (See sample contract below).
  • Identify a potential course and instructor. Note the requirements above.
  • Create a contract with the instructor. (See sample contract below).
  • Have the contract confirmed through required signatures.
  • Turn in a copy of this ANTH 358 contract to the undergraduate advisor’s office. Have the Anthropology Undergraduate Advisor give you the instructor’s section number and permission to enroll in ANTH358.
  • Register for ANTH 358 (A, B, or C) under your instructor’s section.

Please complete a contract for this course.  You can use the following document as a template: ANTH358 Teaching Assistant Contract