In the summer of 2018, anthropologist Stephen Brighton and his students unearthed four quartz crystals at a site in County Cork, Ireland, alongside other artifacts such as a kitchen foundation, a cast-iron pot, and buttons. These crystals, which seemed out of place in the area, eventually led to the discovery about Ireland's history during and after the 19th-century potato famine. Brighton's research, focused on the lives of Irish peasants, fills a gap often overlooked by local archaeologists due to the painful context of poverty and starvation under British rule. Brighton's work offers insight into the struggles of the Irish diaspora and sheds light on the cultural practices of Irish families during that time.

The quartz crystals, found near cow stables and potentially dating back to 1780, were linked to Irish folklore. Farmers believed quartz protected them from malevolent fairies who caused illness and misfortune. This practice, blending Catholic and pre-Christian beliefs, reflected the mystical culture of feuding neighbors during that period. Brighton and his student, Kate O’Sullivan, uncovered this connection by researching Irish folklore, revealing that the crystals were used as charms to protect livestock and homes.

Brighton, who has long been researching his own Irish roots, is completing a paper on these findings and writing a book about a family whose home was burned down in 1911. His excavation work not only deepens his understanding of Irish history but also helps him connect with his cultural identity.


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Grad students Emma Weikert and Brooke Ayers point to a nearly whole 19th century cream pan