Congratulations to Dr. Miguel G. Vilar for co-authoring a new publication titled "A population history of indigenous Bahamian islanders: Insights from ancient DNA." Published in the American Journal of Biological Anthropology.


The Bahamas is an archipelago in the western Atlantic Ocean that stretches over 1000 km, just north of Cuba and east of the Florida Peninsula. Modern DNA studies show that contemporary Bahamians are genetic descendants of European and African ancestors, unlike Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, where Indigenous descendancy is well documented. For The Bahamas little was known about the genetic ancestry of the Indigenous Lucayans (AD 700–1600) and their relationship to other Indigenous Caribbean populations. In this study, we investigated genetic diversity in Indigenous Lucayans from the Bahamas Archipelago to better understand the phylogeography of their genetic lineages, and to determine their relationship with other Indigenous Caribbean populations.


Forbes-Pateman, V., Yardumian, A., Vilar, M., Simms, T. M., Pateman, M. P., & Keegan, W. (2022). A population history of indigenous Bahamian islanders: Insights from ancient DNA. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 1– 14.

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Dr. Miguel Vilar