Dr. Raquel Fleskes, Anthropology Class of 2014, had her work recently published in Penn Today's Art Humanity, and Social Sciences section. She and a group of other researchers did an analysis of remains of individuals, which they had found to be a close connection between these individuals and West African populations using the African Burial Ground project.

Read more  by following below:

Whole-genome analysis offers clarity on the remains of 36 enslaved Africans in 18th century Charleston. Michele Berger, Penn Today, 24 January 2023.

"Anson Street African Burial Ground (ASABG) members (from left) Theodore Schurr of Penn, Joanna Gilmore of ASABG and the College of Charleston, Raquel Fleskes of the University of Connecticut, and La'Sheia Oubré of ASABG at the memorial plaque at the site where the Ancestors were re-buried. (Image: Servant Emannuel Branch)"