Hannah Dale graduated with a B.S. in Anthropology with minors in Sustainability and French. Her concentration was in Environmental Anthropology and she created a thesis analyzing the transmission of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in a Mozambican community. She also served as the President of the Anthropology Student Association at UMD

Hannah completed an internship at the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) in DC as a Research and Publications Intern. As part of her internship, she wrote a few blog posts on the Environmental Law Institute's website on species conservation, waste/circular economies, and a post on traditional environmental knowledge (TEK) - which links to her honors thesis research on TEK intergenerational transmission.

Check out Hannah’s blogs:

Dusky Gopher Frog Blog: https://www.eli.org/vibrant-environment-blog/fate-dusky-gopher-frog-elis-discussion-implications-habitat-conservation

Waste and Circular Economies Blog: https://www.eli.org/vibrant-environment-blog/future-waste-management-shifting-toward-circular-economies

TEK Blog: https://www.eli.org/vibrant-environment-blog/every-culture-has-science-introduction-traditional-ecological-knowledge-tek-and-indigenous-scientific

ESA/CITES Blog: https://www.eli.org/vibrant-environment-blog/esa-and-cites-avenues-future-species-conservation-and-legislation

Hannah Dale