Coverage on Harm Reduction Vending Machine Project:
HIPS Officially Launches Harm Reduction Vending Machines Pilot Program
In cities and towns across the country, vending machines are increasingly finding a new purpose: Helping save lives with the naloxone, fentanyl test strips, sanitation supplies, and other harm reduction tools. Maryland’s Anne Arundel County and the District of Columbia are just two of the latest locations to situate “harm reduction vending machines” like these in areas that have higher than average rates of overdose and/or unhoused individuals.
On Friday April 5th from 1-4pm at Whitman-Walker Health Max Robinson Center (1201 Sycamore Drive SE, Washington DC, 20032) HIPS is holding an event to officially launch their harm reduction vending machine pilot program. Harm reduction vending machines, funded by DC Health, offer harm reduction supplies and naloxone for free in locations 24-hours a day. These machines have been placed in areas where there are higher concentrations of overdose deaths or a need for supplies.
There are no fees associated with using the D.C. vending machines. Rather, individuals are asked to initially contact HIPS by calling 1-202-779-0486—also listed on the machines—to get a four-digit participant code that they will then punch into the machine. People are then free to use any of the HIPS machines locations. 150 individuals have already enrolled to use the HIPS machines.
HIPS is also partnering with researchers from the University of Maryland to assess the pilot program. A sample of people who enroll to use the machines will be invited to participate in a study. The study will also assess neighborhood perceptions from business owners, residents, and other community stakeholders. UMD Department of Anthropology Associate Professor Andrea M. Lopez, who is leading the study says “We know in general, from public health evidence, that more naloxone is always a good thing in terms of reducing harm.The issue we hope this study helps address is how to mirror what public health evidence is demonstrating, and ultimately—even though there are all of these different kinds of community perceptions and contestations around what these interventions look like—continue to educate about the public health benefits of these interventions.”
HIPS vending machine staff say that a bonus benefit of being responsible for the machines in addition to their other outreach and drop-in center work, is that it gives them a chance to interact with the communities they serve at times they normally would not get a chance to do so.
“The other day, I was at a vending machine and one guy walked up and was like, ‘Hey, it limits the number of fentanyl test strips and I need like 30 strips to distribute to my friends because we're getting cocaine that's laced with fentanyl.’ That’s an interaction we wouldn’t normally have been out to have,” said Starr O'Leary, HIPS Community Outreach Coordinator. “So we aren’t just interacting with our communities through the vending machines, the vending machines are allowing us to also interact with people that are just wandering by and wondering ‘Hey, how do we use these?’ Or ‘Hey, we can't get supplies of the volume that we need out of here. Can you help us?’”
HIPS may soon be adding additional vending machines to sites in D.C., something they already see as a step in the right direction.
“There's always going to be more of a need for harm reduction services and supplies than we're going to be able to provide in the current landscape of funding,” said Alexandra Bradley, HIPS Outreach and Community Engagement Manager. “These machines aren’t the be all and end all—if we had our real druthers, we would have 24-hour harm reduction centers and doing things that are going to have an even greater impact—but until and unless we can get those things, this is a very good and very important stopgap in terms of access to resources for folks.”
An event celebrating the official launch of the UMD-HIPS harm reduction vending machines study is taking place at Whitman-Walker Health Max Robinson Center (1201 Sycamore Drive SE, Washington DC, 20032) on Friday, April 5 from 1-4 p.m. To learn more and register to attend, visit LINK From 3-3:30, HIPS will feature speakers and have time for a question and answer session from media and community members.