The Global Health and Culture lecture series is a collaborative effort between the Department of Anthropology and the School of Public Health.

The intent of the lecture series is to facilitate opportunities for the University of Maryland College Park community from diverse fields, especially undergraduate students, to come together and address some of society’s most pressing problems in the field of global health. Furthermore, the lecture series creates an important collaborative partnership between the Anthropology Department, the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences and the School of Public Health, and promotes interdisciplinary engagements focusing on the social context of health. 

Questions about the lecture series may be directed to Dr. Thurka Sangaramoorthy (tsangara [at] umd [dot] edu).

The inaugural speaker for the lecture series was Jason Beaubien, NPR’s chief global health and development correspondent. His talk, titled “Emerging Global Health Threats in a Globalized World,” was held in April of 2016.

To view the full recorded lecture, click here. To see a gallery of images taken at the event, click here.  

2016 Global Lecture

In April 2017, the Global Health and Culture Lecture Series featured its second guest speaker, Dr. Nicole Bates, Deputy Director for Multilateral Partnerships at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr. Bates gave a talk titled, “A Tale of Two Global Healths”.

A full recording of the lecture can be viewed here. To see a gallery of selected images from the event, click here.

2017 Global Lecture

In Fall 2018, the Global Health and Culture Lecture Series featured its third guest speaker, Brian Honermann, J.D., Deputy Director of Public Policy at amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. Brian gave a presentation on Being Useful and Not a Part of the Problem: The Role of Global Health Law, Policy, and Advocacy.

A full recording of the lecture can be viewed here. To see a gallery of selected images from the event, click here.

2018 Global Lecture