Depending on your entering qualifications, the course requirements for each student may vary. Please see the section "Degree Overview" above to see which course requirements may apply to you.

CORE Courses (18 credits)

Offered in fall:

  • ANTH 601: Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
  • ANTH 606: Qualitative Methods in Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
  • ANTH 760: Development of Social/Cultural Theory (3 credits)

Offered in spring:

  • ANTH 722: Ecological Anthropology (3 credits)
  • ANTH 630: Quantification and Statistics in Applied Anthropology (3 credits)
  • ANTH 740: Anthropological Theories of the Past (3 credits)

Internship Sequence (12 credits, optional)

  • ANTH 701: Internship Preparation (3 credits)
  • ANTH 789: Internship (6 credits)
  • ANTH 712: Anthropology Internship Analysis (3 credits)

Generally, students are expected to complete their first two semesters of core courses before moving on to an internship (usually conducted during the summer between the first and second year). Upon completion of the Internship, you may pursue the remaining coursework at your own pace because it consists primarily of work in your area of specialization.

Preliminary Review

The Preliminary Review occurs when PhD students have completed the following core courses, usually in the fourth semester (spring): ANTH 601, 722, 740, and 760. Students (in consultation with their advisor) may also complete the preliminary review in the third semester (fall). Students may also file a petition to request alternate timing of the Preliminary Review using the Petition to Deviate from Departmental Requirements and Procedures

The purpose of the Preliminary Review is to provide students with a faculty-wide assessment of their progress toward PhD-level research in anthropology early in their studies. The review includes both assessment of work completed during the student's first three semesters in the program, and also guidance on how the student can strengthen their focus and study plans. The intent of the Preliminary Review is to create a constructive engagement between students and faculty that is supportive and productive.

Supporting Coursework (credits required vary)

This course work should be chosen by the student in consultation with their advisor and should support the student’s interests in Anthropology.

Area Exams

Three written area exams will be taken after the completion of all core course. The exams are designed to evaluate student competence in specific areas of anthropological knowledge, at both the sub-discipline and area of concentration levels.

Dissertation Proposal

The oral dissertation proposal defense evaluates the student's anthropological knowledge as expressed in the area exams and dissertation proposal.

Dissertation Credits

All Ph.D. students are required to complete 12 credits of dissertation course work once they advance to candidacy. Upon advancement to candidacy, students are automatically entered for 6 credits of ANTH899 per semester.

Dissertation Defense Exam

The oral defense of the dissertation is to evaluate whether the graduate student has successfully completed a body of original research within their sub-discipline and/or area of concentration.