I attended the University of Georgia from 2019-2022 and graduated with a bachelor's degree in anthropology, a minor in classical culture, and a certificate of archaeological sciences. During my time at UGA I worked as an archaeological laboratory technician for over 2 years at the UGA Laboratory of Archaeology, where I stabilized, rehoused, and inventoried CRM and private collections from all over the American Southeast.
Following graduation I worked at the Georgia Historic Preservation Division (SHPO) as a compliance review archaeologist, where I reviewed NHPA Section 106 and NEPA documentation for compliance projects within Georgia. During my time at GA SHPO I had the opportunity to engage with the public and participate in consultation meetings with federally recognized tribes and local stakeholder groups for mitigation projects and for the development of Programmatic Agreements.
I’ve participated in various field projects at Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian sites in inland and coastal Georgia, an Early Bronze Age site in the Greek Aegean, and Neolithic and Middle Bronze Age sites in Eastern Hungary. I am interested in advanced technological methods in archaeology, specifically photogrammetry and 3D imaging, which I believe is a valuable tool for public outreach and digital site curation. Most recently, I have carried out the photogrammetry at the Middle Bronze Age site of Békés-Várdomb in Tarhos, Hungary for the 2024 Körös Consortium field season.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eli-huszagh-5748b8256/
Sketchfab (photogrammetry models): https://sketchfab.com/ehuszagh/models