Areas of Interest

  • Mid-Atlantic Archaeology
  • Digital Archaeology
  • Landscapes
  • Segregation, Enslavement, and Marginality


  • Degree Type
    Degree Details


  • 2022-05-19
    Prince George's Heritage Fellowship Award


  • Mohammadi, Woehlke and Meoni “The Role of Infrastructures in the Production of Multigenerational Inequality in a Historic Black Community: The case of North Brentwood, Maryland” Unsettling Infrastructure: Society for American Archaeology
  • Mohammadi, Justin. “Resilient Heritage in the Face of Climate Change and Gentrification” Montgomery Makeover 5 Conference, Maryland National Capital Parks and Public Planning Commission, September 2022.
  • Meoni, Olivia; Mohammadi, Justin; Woehlke, Stefan. “Developing a Community Directed Digital Archaeology Project in the Historically Black Town of North Brentwood, MD” Mid-Atlantic Archaeology Conference, March 2022
  • Woehlke, Stefan (PhD); Meoni, Olivia; Mohammadi, Justin. “Compton Bassett 3D Digital Documentation” PALS Student Showcase with Department of Parks and Recreation, Prince George’s County. Maryland National Capital Parks and Public Planning Commission, May
  • Mohammadi, Justin. “Examining Racialized Landscapes: A Historical Overview of North Brentwood, Prince George’s County, Maryland” North Brentwood Heritage Project: Laying the Foundations for Sustained Community Heritage Impacts. Mid-Atlantic Archaeology Co


  • Mohammadi, Justin. “Mapping Racially Restrictive Housing Covenants in Prince George's County” University of Maryland. 2021.
  • Tannir, Joe, Bissett, Rachel, Adesina, Jannet, Mohammadi, Justin, Hutter, Chris. 2023 Creating a Historic Context Study for the Old Ellicott City Jail. Technical Report. Emory Lane Studios. Historic Preservation Program, University of Maryland College Par
  • Cheryl J. LaRoche and Ric Murphy. 2024. The Families of Arlington House: Ethnohistory Overview and Assessment of Arlington House (ARHO) Descendant Families, National Park Service, Washington, D. C.
  • Mohammadi, Justin, Woehlke, Stefan, Burns, Rhys. Archaeological Excavations at the Henry-Isabella Randall House in the National Historic District of North Brentwood, Prince George’s County, Maryland. Technical Report. Historic Preservation Program, Unive
Research Topics
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jmohamma [at]