I have worked in the cultural resources field for nearly four years and have supported Lawhon and Associates as an Archaeologist since 2020. Since then, I have partaken in at least one hundred cell tower/5G and waste/borrow areas, giving me expertise within the associated projects. I began my career as a field technician, adding several other laboratory and computer skills in the subsequent years of participation in private and public sector cultural resource management projects. I have worked on Phase l, Phase ll, and Phase I archeological investigation throughout Ohio and six additional Midwest States, giving me significant capability regarding the inner workings of historic preservation and Cultural Resource Management laws and a proven track record of successful completion of all project and broad experience with a variety of sites. I have also assisted with history-architecture surveys associated with infrastructure and transportation projects. My skills include literature reviews and historical research, field surveys of prehistoric and historic resources, including aboveground structures, GPS data collection, artifact analysis, curation, and report writing.