Aryn Neurock Schriner is a PhD candidate from Houston, Texas. In 2015, they completed their undergraduate degree in anthropology, art history, and medieval studies at Rice University. In the time between graduating and joining UMD, they taught 8th grade social studies and English with a charter school system dedicated to underserved populations in Houston. Their past research has focused on Northeastern Pennsylvania coal mining towns from the late nineteenth to mid twentieth century, and included an oral history project concerning the voices of recent Latinx immigrants to the anthracite region featured in an exhibit at the Pennsylvania Anthracite Heritage Museum (Scranton, PA).
Schriner is heavily involved in museum scholarship. In collaboration with Eckley Miners' Village Museum, they overhauled the existing cell phone tour to improve accuracy and accessibility. Their dissertation research addresses museum labor through an ethnographic study of frontline museum employees in the Washington, DC area. Their work explores the relationship between joy, solidarity, and space/place in contemporary frontline labor. Outside of this work, Schriner worked at the David C. Driskell Center for the Study of Visual Arts and Culture of African Americans and the African Diaspora in collections and administrative roles from 2020 to 2022.
Areas of Interest
- museum studies
- labor history
- labor relations
- unions
- Washington, DC
- Eckley Miners' Village, Luzerne County, PA
- historic archaeology
- community and public archaeology
- education (K-12; undergraduate)
Degree TypeB.A.Degree DetailsRice University, 2015
Degree TypeM.A.A.Degree DetailsUniversity of Maryland, 2021