- Centuries Old Crystal-clear Findings Uncovered by Archaeologist Reveal Stories of Ireland’s Mystical Past
- Regional Household Variation and Inequality Across the Maya Landscape with Co-Author Dr. Madeline Brown
- Dr. Stephen Brighton's field school named #48 on West Cork's 101 Archaeological Sites to Visit
- Congratulations to the 2023 Anthropology Graduates
- Anthropology Graduates @ The BSOS Commencement: Graduation and Reception
- Foundation of Newest National Park Laid by a Terp
- Work on Genomic Analysis of Enslaved African Remains in Charleston, SC by Dr. Raquel Fleskes
- Emma Satterfield Featured in BSOS Newsletter
- Dr. Madeline Brown Publishes in Human Ecology
- Dr. Madeline Brown Publishes in Ecology and Society
- Micah Ferguson won the NAPA Student Paper Award
- Aryn Neurock Schriner Named a Bruce Craig Fellow
- Natasha M. Robinson Accepts Position as Program Analyst With the USDA
- Dr. L. Jen Shaffer publishes in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
- Dr. Brown publishes in the Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture
- Alumnus Stefan Woehlke is Uncovering a Pioneering Town’s Hidden History
- "The Ruined Anthracite" in production
- Dr. Jen Shaffer Co-Authored Publication: Urban Nesting of Black Vultures in Houston, Texas, USA
- Natasha Robinson Awarded Second Place at the SPH Research, Practice and Innovative Solutions Poster Competition
- Dr. Mark Leone Selected for Maryland Catalyst Fund New Directions competition!
- Dr. Matthew Thomann Published in Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness
- Dr. Miguel G. Vilar Published in American Journal of Biological Anthropology
- A Peek Inside … Professor Donald Linebaugh’s Office
- Aryn Neurock Shriner Awarded Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award
- Dr. Getrich Received the Independent Scholarship, Research, and Creativity Award (ISRCA)