- Sarah Janesko selected for Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award
- Emilia Guevara selected for UMD's Graduate All S.T.A.R. Fellowship
- Jeremy Trombley and Megan Bailey selected for the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
- Thurka Sangaramoorthy and Emilia Guevara Published in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
- Megan E. Springate receives 2016 grant from OAH Presidents' Travel Fund
- Megan Bailey awarded a dissertation fellowship from the University of Pennsylvania's McNeil Center for Early American Studies
- Mary Furlong Minkoff featured on NBC29 News
- Katherine (Jo) Johnson awarded 2nd place for Student Poster Competition at SfAA
- University of Maryland Plans an Archaeological Dig in Eckley Miners Village
- Fabio accepted to the 2016 Complex Systems Summer School (CSSS) at the Santa Fe Institute
- Transnational Grandparenting and Well-being: A Comparative Analysis
- Christine Miller Hesed & Michael Paolisso Publication Highlighted
- Paul Shackel’s article published in International Journal of Heritage Studies
- Thurka Sangaramoorthy publishes two articles on Fracking in Maryland
- William Stuart’s Retirement Announcement
- Emilia M. Guevara winner of the American Anthropological Association 2016 Photo Contest
- Leslie Crippen winner of the 2016 SHA Student Paper Competition
- Fabio Correa’s article published in PLoS ONE
- Mark Leone and Jocelyn E. Knauf are the new editors of Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism
- Sean Downey's article is published in Ethnohistory
- Fabio Correa is admitted into the Graduate School International Teaching Fellows (ITF) Program
- Rebecka Lundgren receives the Marjorie C. Horn Operations Research Award
- Report on Coastal Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services
- Mary Butler's New Book: Evaluation