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CHRM Program Students
Kenneth Aasand
Marcus Allen
Allison Anderson
Christopher Anderson
Weston Bittner
Jacob Carlson
James Chatham
Thomas Christian
Kayla Cochran
Emma Collett
Jillian Conroy
Nina Diaz
Julia Drozdowski
Kevin Etherton
Grace Evans
Joshua Finken
Matthew Fisher
Caroline Gardiner
Brian George
Zoe Goodwin
Jordan Haddad
Christopher Haisley
Tori Hammerschmidt
Zachary Hannigan
Lori Hansen
Darrell Hardy
Emily Haus
Janice Heebsh
Delaina Hunter
Elijah Huszagh
Tristan Huxtable
Robert Johnson-Ramirez
William (Max) Kichline
Nicole Martin
Bruce McRoberts
Ashley Medina
Tebebe Million
Matthew Morris
Isabelle Ortt
Paolo Panunzio
Emily Pelster
Kelly Pratt
Jose Ramirez
Madison Ramsey
Samantha Renta
Jacob Ruvalcaba
Peter Schnurr
Nathan Scully
Maxwell Sickler
Noor Sullivan
Eric Taylor
Noelle Thompson-Worthington
Katherine Titus
Riveraine Walters
Hilary Wehrle
Chelsea Winter
CHRM Program Alumni
Master's Degrees (with thesis titles):
Zachary Andrews (MPS 2022)
Dynamic Reflections of Capitalism and Class Identity at the Penns Neck Community: An Analysis of the Persisence of Dutch-American Traditions on Family-Operated Farms at Penns Neck, Mercer County, New Jersey
Emily Bales (MPS 2023)
The Effect of Landscape Evolution on the Visibility of the Archaeological Record: A Case Study from the Deeply Buried Site CA-SLO-16, Morro Bay, California
Duncan Balinger (MPS 2024)
Reading Between the Lines: Evaluating GPR Transect Spacing Intervals Employed to Identify Historic Archaeological Features at the William Harris Homestead Site, 9WN168, Walton County, Georgia
Meagan Bell (MPS 2024)
Revisiting Chert Preferences and Lithic Supply Zones of Early Archaic Northwestern Ohio: A Least Cost Path Analysis
Tamara Billie (MPS 2022)
Ałhił nda’ jilnishgo, naa’nish ła eti’ (Working Together, Gets Work Done): A Navajo Approach to Cultural Resources and Heritage Management on the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Pipeline
Brittany Blanchard (MPS 2024)
Give the People a Place to Drink: An Archaeological Investigation of Eighteenth-Century Tavern Assemblages in the Chesapeake Bay, Site 44FX3194
Colleen Boyle (MPS 2024)
Minding Your Feet: An Examination of Cemetery Recordations and Analysis through Geospatial Documentation in Fairfax County, Virginia
Jaime Colopietro (MPS 2021)
Investigating the Loss of Irish Culture in Maryland Using Material Culture with the Application of Critical Race Theory
Connor Cottrell (MPS 2023)
An Oral History and Archeological Study of Nineteenth-Century Dugouts and Sod Homes in Frontier County, Nebraska
Cullan Davis (MPS 2022)
Stranded and Sanded In: Drone Mounted Aerial Magnetometer Identification of Buried and Submerged Shipwrecks on the New Jersey Coast
Sierra DeVanie (MPS 2021)
What’s in the Basement? A Thesis on Florida Curation
Amanda Dover (MPS 2024)
California Mission Bell Markers: A Study of Heritage and Culture
Wendy Ferris-George (MPS 2022)
Do Cultural Resource Laws and Federal Regulations Add Constraints to Native American Trust Land Management and Trust Land Development Outcomes?
Kurt Fredrickson (MPS 2024)
An Archaeological Investigation of Clovis Blade Technology at Thunderbird (44WR11), a Paleolithic Stratified Site of the Flint Run Complex, Warren County, VA
Kenneth Gergely (MPS 2023)
A Synthesis of Projectile Point Characteristics and Distribution Across the Landscape in the Lower Tombigbee River Basin, Alabama
William Glass (MPS 2021)
Pilot Town at Navy Cove: Unplanned Utopia
Chris Goodrich (MPS 2021)
Written in Stone: A Landscape Approach to Examining Ohio Petroglyph Sites
Suzan Granados (MPS 2022)
An Investigation of Maize at Four Sites (LA 20241, LA 38597, LA 112766, and LA 131202) in Eddy County, New Mexico
Samuel Hauber (MPS 2022)
Lost Labor: An Assessment of the Interpretation of Irish Canal Worker History and Archaeology at the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
Breanna Henderson (MPS 2023)
Creating Effective and Sustainable Public Archaeology: An Analytical Roadmap
Jeffrey Johnson (MPS 2024)
A Deeper Dive into the Water: A Comparison of Hydrologic Features as Variables in Precontact Site Location Predictive Models for the Virginia Piedmont
Ansley Lester (MPS 2024)
Using Geospatial Information Systems to Predict the Form of 'Roadbeds and Road Segments' Classifications for the Cherokee Trail of Tears in Missouri, 1837-1839
Leeanne Mahoney (MPS 2022)
Wesselman Farm, An Archaic Site on the Lower Great Miami River, Hamilton County, Ohio
Abigail McCoy (MPS 2021)
More Than the ‘Physical Remains of Yesterday’s Industry’: A Case Study of the Clayton Cotton Mill
Isla Nelson (MPS 2023)
World War II Minidoka Incarceration Camp Gardens: Evidence of Loyalty to the United States or Rebelling Against their Incarceration
Samuel Plent (MPS 2023)
Recent Timbering Activity as a Variable in Predictive Modeling
Dean Reed (MPS 2022)
Persistence of Form: A Material Ethnography through the Architecture of Anaheim’s 20th Century Landscape
Peter Sittig (MPS 2021)
Investigation of Middle to Late Woodland Transitional Pottery at Three Sites (40SQ115/40BS101, 40BS103, and 40BS107) in the Sequatchie Valley, Tennessee
Scott Tooker (MPS 2023)
A Landscape Illuminated: An Archaeological Investigation into the Built Landscape of Split Rock Lighthouse
Jewel Touchin (MPS 2024)
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and Faunal Repatriation
Jessica Ulmer (MPS 2022)
Introducing Respect in NAGPRA Repatriation Efforts
Maximilian van Rensselaer (MPS 2023)
Machine Learning Approaches to Archaeological Predictive Modeling in the Age of Wildfire, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, California and Nevada
Douglas VonStrohe (MPS 2023)
Investigation of Subsurface Features at 15TM35: The Bibb Escapes/Gatewood Plantation
Mason Waugh (MPS 2022)
The Cloistered Infrastructure of the Ohio & Erie Canal: An Analysis and Inventory of the Canal with a Theoretical Landscape Archaeology and Historical Geographic Information Systems Approach
Emma Woodruff (MPS 2024)
Archaeobotanical Legacies: Cultural Significance through an Investigation of Macrobotanicals, Microresidues, and Ethnobotanical Data at 12OR0001, Hoosier National Forest, Indiana
Graduate Certificate Degrees:
Katherine Boyle
Nelson Burgos
Wendy Puckett
Fernando Ramirez-Cotto
Alessa Rulli
Emily Smithey
Allison Stacy
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